Russell Park logoRussell Park


  • Noel Park Big Local Plan






    Consultation with the local community. Big desire for improved local green spaces
  • Consultation Local Community

    Autumn 2021




    Spring 2022

    Several rounds of consultation with local community.
  • Cost Analysis

    Spring 2023




    Spring 2023

    Due to the increase in costs deliver wider project, agreed with Haringey Council to phase the project
  • Delivery of Phase 1

    Summer 2023




    Autumn 2023

    Working closely with Matthew Halsall design to create a brand new junior playground in Russell Park
  • Tender Award

    Nov 2023




    March 2024

    T.Loughman awarded contract.
  • Works to Build New Playground Commence

    22 July 2024




    December 2024